All The Glorious Lil’ Details You Missed In The ‘Deadpool 2’ Trailer

The Deadpool 2 trailer is officially trending as number one on Youtube beating out the Avengers: Infinity War trailer. Impressive, very impressive. This latest trailer may only be two minutes and forty seconds long but it’s an absolute bloody (pun intended) goldmine. We’ve had Terry Crews kick arse as Bedlam and Ryan Reynolds trolling Blake Lively. And now, eagle eyed fans have spotted a couple of other delicious goodies right from the very beginning.

Once again, if you want to relive the experience you can do so below.

So on first glance we have time-travelling Cable x Deadpool fighting over a mutant child played by Kiwi kid Julian Dennison and the creation of the “super-duper, boppin” X-Force with Terry, Zazie BeetzBill Skarsgård, and Aussie-Japanese actor Shiori Kutsuna. 

Also, it’s important to mention Ryan AKA Deadpool AKA Wade Wilson has been given his first writing credit for his contribution to the script. And to get a credit has to mean more than adding in a couple of funny lines here and there so yep, Ryan really is Deadpool.

On a second, third, fourth, and fifth glance you get these.

I’m all out of Loveeee

Right from the get go you get Air Supply’s heartbreaking banger. So?

Well, cast your eyes back to this baby. It’s Ryan as Van Wilder singing the same song rather emotionally as he laments his college days.

Whatttt a coincidence.

Deadpool in Stilettos

Right at the 30 second mark.


Yeah, I don’t know why but it looks fun and as loyal, sweet taxi-driver Dopinder (Karan Soni) says, Deadpool has great calves and thighs. This scene also happens right before Deadpool slices the head off a Yakuza member so it appears he made a casual trip to Japan between movies.

Who’s the kid?

This is more of a big details but while you’re here, we may as well.

Cable’s known to time travel to certain periods in order to stop shit from happening in the future. Cable appearing to try and capture this rather innocent-yet-got-attitude kid has to mean something, so who is this kid?

From the trailer we know he’s a mutant and his power involves fire emitting from his bare hands. Also based from their attire, we can guess Deadpool and the kid are both in some sort of facility or jail when Cable crashes the party.

In the comic-book series Uncanny X-Force, there’s a pretty intense story line where the X-Force are given the mission to kill Apocalypse (Oscar Isaac played him in X-Men: Apocalypse – the crazy blue dude) reborn as a child called Genesis and or Evan. Half the team wanna kill him obvs, and the other half don’t because it’s a child.

Could Julian be playing a similar character? No idea, but it’s possible.

Yeah, that’s definitely a jail.


Who are they?

We know Terry Crews is Bedlam and Zazie Beetz is Domino.

In the trailer, Shiori’s casually flinging an electrical whip around soooo she could be Surge from the New Mutants who absorbs electricity. Pennywise – I mean Bill will probably play Zeitgeist, the guy that can throw up acid. That power is pretty hectic so part of his uniform is a protective mouth-guard. You can see it below between Domino and Deadpool.

And this guy is defs Peter. 

Pete Wisdom is his full-name and he’s played by Rob Delaney. He’s like the MI6 and was part of the Excalibur team before joining X-Force. Pete can absorb power then shoot it back at ya.

In case you forgot, Deadpool is gruesome AF


Also, don’t forget that secret cameo.

May 18.