Game Of Thrones Patriarch Tywin Admits There’s Talk Of A Feature Film

Promoting his new film The Imitation Game (starring Benaslamdunk Cum-in-a-ditch and, inevitably, your tears) the actor responsible for Tywin Lannister, Charles Dance, alluded to a Game of Thrones movie on the horizon.

“There’s talk of eventually trying to do a feature film, but I don’t know which of the storylines,” said Dance. “There’s so much to cram into a film.” You can read the full Daily Beast interview HERE but spoiler alert because he obviously di- -d a great job acting in the fourth season. Do recommend.

Tbh there really isn’t much to this story, it basically amounts to speculation but we’re all obviously hella GOT thirsty and will take any and all GOT news-shaped scraps.

Having said that, the more credibility the rumours get = the more pressure on the GTO team to actually chuck a Firefly/Serenity and produce a movie .

Here’s a relevant George R.R. Martin quote from a while ago:”It all depends on how long the main series runs. Do we run for seven years? Do we run for eight? Do we run for 10? The books get bigger and bigger [in scope]. It might need a feature to tie things up, something with a feature budget, like $100 million for two hours. Those dragons get real big, you know.”

Martin also suggested the Tales of Dunk and Egg prequel novella could make a cute movie: “They could be the basis for [a film]. I have written these three stories, and I have about a dozen more.”

Fingers crossed for a movie. Thanks for stopping by.