Queen Celeste Barber Shut Down A Fat-Shaming Anti-Vaxxer With Just Five Glorious Words

Celeste Barber

A rabid anti-vaxxer tried to fat-shame comedy queen Celeste Barber in order to make some kind of point about the jab, but Barber was able to shut the woman down with just five words.

“You tell my why fat slobs like Celestey [sic] Barber should be able to post on their Instagram and encourage other people to get the shot,” the anti-vaxxer screamed at the camera.

Yep, that’s right, this person literally pronounced “Celeste” as “Celestey”.

The anti-vaxxer then said a bunch of bullshit about people being “maimed” by vaccines, which is so detached from reality that it doesn’t even deserve to be fully transcribed in this article.

But Barber had the final word in a response on TikTok.


In response to this gross tirade, Barber responded: “It’s Celeste, you fucken idiot.”

Then, on Thursday morning, Barber posted a follow-up TikTok taking the piss out of the cooked arguments anti-vaxxers have been making lately.

In case any anti-vax dinguses are reading this, please note that the following quotes from Celeste Barber are in fact jokes. Chill out.

“I wanted to just quickly jump on here and just speak, I guess, mainly to anti-vaxxers. I hear that you guys are freaking out, I really hear it and I can feel it,” Barber said.

“I just want you to know when I got my first Pfizer shot, about a week ago, the nurse who gave it to me, she actually shows you the 5G before she puts it in the vial which I think is really good.


“Also you’d also be surprised – I was very surprised, it blew my mind – at how small Bill Gates‘ DNA is and it also fits in the vial, as well, with the 5G.

“And she was saying to me, a nurse who’s been a nurse for 20 years or something, she said how grateful she is that she can get all the information from people who sell hats at the markets, and they know so much about it.”

Barber, along with millions of other reasonable Aussies, recently got the jab. Because of her massive platform online, she posted about it to spread awareness.

“Get it if you can and let’s kick this in the dick!” she wrote on Instagram last week.

“The excellent front line workers that are keeping us safe are the sexiest SUPERHEROES in all the universes!”

It’s old news that anti-vaxxers need to shut the fuck up.

But now it turns out that they need to learn how to pronounce common names of famous people, too.

All adult Aussies (yep, even if those of us under 40) are currently able to get the safe and effective AstraZeneca vaccine through a GP. Talk to a doctor to see if it’s right for you.

Alternatively, you can triple-check to see if you’re eligible for the Pfizer vaccine here.

The best vaccine is the first one you can get, and that’ll be our ticket out of this mess.