Burger King Japan To Release Whopper-Scented Perfume

Useless Japanese Inventions have surpassed their usual standard of mind-fuckery today, as Burger King Japan is set to release a whopper-inspired perfume, for those who wish to carry the scent of greasy life choices wherever they go. With perfume they say ‘less is more’, but does that really apply when you begin spritzing yourself with a bottle of Fuck You? The perfume advertises itself as “flame-grilled”.

But before we go any further. It has to be pointed out here that the exclusive one-day release date of Eau de Whoppère is April 1st. As in, April Fool’s Day. This fact could render the announcement pretty useless, you might say – what a whopper of a ruse.

However, Burger King Japan has officially registered April 1st as “Whopper Day” around the nation – a dedicated day for the brand much like Seven Eleven has on November 7th in Australia. What’s more, Burger King aren’t actually stranger to releasing fragrances: in 2008, Burger King released a fragrance called “Flame” in the US. And anyway: if this was an April Fool’s joke, why the hell would Burger King deliver the punchline on March 19.

It makes no sense. Then again, neither does a Burger King perfume. Kramer would be proud, the rest of the world will be revolted, if not slightly intrigued.

The super kawaii poster and TV spot for the perfume can be found below. NO WHOPPER,  NO LIFE.