WATCH: Alicia Vikander Raids A Croft Arc In The Debut ‘Tomb Raider’ Trailer

We knew they’d promised us that the new Tomb Raider film would look stick fairly closely to the game, but hot dang we weren’t expecting them to be extremely literal with that claim.

The trailer for the upcoming Lara Croft flick, a rebooted version of the film adaptation that pays absolutely no attention to the godawful 2001 attempt, has finally dropped after a little stop-start action from Warner Bros. earlier today, and boy howdy is it ever game-faithful.

It plays so close to the 2013 game franchise reboot (the really, really good one) that it literally recreates sequences from it, including the sequence featuring Lara running across a WWII bomber balanced bloody precariously atop a jungle waterfall.

Despite the neck-related snafu on the teaser poster yesterday, Alicia Vikander looks incredibly badass as Croft, and there’s more than enough fan service packed into the trailer to get you reaching for the ole’ wallet.

Peep it. Peep it now.

Death is not an adventure” old mate’s obviously never seen Hook.

The extended cast features the likes of Walton GogginsDaniel WuDominic “Jimmy McNutty” West, and Nick Frost.

It’s due to hit cinemas from March 16, 2018.