Andy Lee Maybe-Seriously Won’t Propose To His GF Until She Tells Him Her UAI

Andy Lee –  the one that isn’t Hamish Blake in Hamish & Andy – has made this really weird/probably just LOL comment about why he is yet to propose to his girlfriend of around four years, Bec Harding.

The couple dated for 18 months, breaking up for a bit before reuniting at the end of 2016. They seem pretty happy tbh, but naturally there’s constant questions about ~wHeN WiLL YoU PrOpOsE ThO~.

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Andy was hit up once again on radio by KIIS 101.1‘s Jase & PJ, who used Jase’s four-year-old Felix to play a game of ‘Uncle Andy’. Which is weird in and of itself, IMO.

ANYWAY. After a few innocuous q’s, Andy was hit with this nugget.

 “When are you going to marry Aunty Bec?”

Andy’s answer was… weird.

“Bec has never told me her ENTER [Equivalent National Tertiary Entrance Rank] score,” he revealed. “What she got when she finished Year 12. [Her] school results. So I said to her, ‘If you want to be proposed to, we can’t have any secrets. So the day you tell me your ENTER score is the day I’ll know you’re ready.’”

So basically she won’t tell him her UAI and therefore has to wait for a proposal. I mean he absolutely is kidding, right? RIGHT??

“So she still hasn’t told me. She laughs it off, but I’m like, ‘No, I’m deadly serious. I will not do anything like that until I know your score.’”


But also leave the lovebirds alone they probably DGAF about marriage or are just KEEPING IT PRIVATE PROBABLY.

That being said, I’m absolutely the level of petty where I would refuse a serious, very important commitment/decision based simply on the grounds of something ridiculous like “you haven’t told me your UAI score so in retaliation I’m just not going to ever move in with you/marry you/procreate with you until you do”.