Amy Schumer Says She Makes “Very Little” Money From Her TV Show

While Leigh Sales usually skews towards hard-hitting political coverage, every now and then, she gets to fan out on someone like Amy Schumer, who stopped by 7:30 as part of the Trainwreck promotional tour. 

Sales asked the obvious question of whether giving the film that title was “inviting disaster” thanks to the inevitable headlines it would conjure up, but Schumer said her “delusional confidence” convinced her everything would be okay.
It seems like things are working out just fine so far – Trainwreck has not officially opened in Australia, but in the US, it did better than anticipated over the weekend, pulling in US $30.2 million, which in comedy terms is a big win.
Schumer also spoke about the surprising realities of her job, and the fact that, although millions of people have seen clips like Last Fuckable Day, she makes next-to no money from her show, and relies on stand-up for the bulk of her funds.
Trainwreck opens in Australia on Thursday July 30.

Photo: Brendon Thorne via Getty Images