30 Rock Imagines A World Where The Wiggles Are White Supremacists

Our most iconic cultural export since this guy was inducted into comedy lore this week after a bizarro version of The Wiggles featured in last week’s episode of 30 Rock.

In last week’s ‘Meet The Woggels’, Jena strikes multiple items off her sexual walkabout list (“Yoko” a band, make love to a beloved children’s entertainer, be with a non-Aboriginal Australian) when she convinces Blue Woggel Russ to abandon the brotherhood of the skivvy and pursue a solo career based on the industry knowledge of someone ‘Quincy Jones once pushed off a boat’. Things get weirder when the absence of a Jeff equivalent is explained by the fact that Woggel means white in Australia and the band just might be secret white supremacists. Suddenly the ‘Woggel Power’ chants which anchor their show make a whole lot more sense.

Related: As we’ve previously reported, Frank from 30 Rock aka Judah Friedlander is coming to Australia in May for comedy reasons.