How To Easily Tell If Your Steak Is Cooked To Bloody Perfection

One of the challenges of growing up is nailing the delicate art that is cooking a steak. Yes, somehow your parents just had a knack for it – and your attempts to replicate their fine work have come up short. For whatever reason, you just can’t get it to the place you’re after (be it medium rare, well done, etc).

Your options? Hmmmm… A meat thermometer? Ain’t nobody got time for rogue/kinda unnecessary expenditure like that.

Well fret not, would-be meat-consuming humans, for there is a pretty easy trick for measuring how well done your steak is. Watch the video below for the 411.

If you’re wondering if this hack is legit, then we’d like to reassure that it really does. We’d be willing to steak our lives on it.