This Piss-Easy Bread & Butter Pudding Is Great For Crying Into As You Eat The Whole Tray

It seems like every man and his dog is using IG stories to share recipes no one asked for during lockdown. But every so often, someone out there in your feed is actually, you know, A GOOD COOK.

I met Sophie Kitchen at a work event years ago, and we’ve stayed Instagram friends even though we honestly rarely see each other. She doesn’t even live in Australia anymore. Such is the beauty of IG – you can stay distant acquaintances with people whose content you enjoy.

Sophie worked at a lifestyle magazine and had a real passion for cooking. During iso, I noticed she was sharing recipe posts where the pic was the finished product, and the caption was the recipe. The bit that really got me? All the recipes were so easy, a bloody ten-year-old could manage them. And not one of those Masterchef Kids ten-year-olds.

Yep, Sophie was using lockdown to share recipes with her followers – and also her last name really is Kitchen, she was like born for this shit.

But the recipe that got me REAL good? This one:

I’ve been a bread and butter pudding fan since Sizzler lumped a giant tray of it in their dessert section back in the 90s. It’s still the best dessert they make, IMO.

I’d never made it myself because it always seemed so fiddly. I have to buy bread? How do I make the spiced eggy bit? Etc etc.

But my iso has seen me buying up big on fancy bread loaves I ultimately leave to go stale. I had half a loaf about to turn, and figured I could try Sophie’s recipe.

Turns out it was the best thing I ever did.


Look at that CRISP TOP. The GOLDEN HUE. It’s bloody perfect and it tasted as good as it looks.

For me, the key genius with this recipe is how quickly it comes together. It’s really just bunging 600ml of milk in a pot, adding a dash of three spices you can buy for $2 a pop, adding some lemon or orange zest (mine is usually lemon coz Ive always got lemons around) and then pouring the mix over the bread.

I have legit made this twice after dinner on a whim. How many recipes do you know that you can just make on a whim when you’re a shit-to-average chef? Not many, if any.

It’s the ultimate comfort food, too. Both times I’ve made this recipe, it’s been after a moody day when I want to find self-esteem via eating.

Now the gift I have received, I pass on to you. Enjoy stress-making your bread and butter pudding and then crying into it, I know I do.