US Airline In Deep Shit After Refusing To Let Two Girls In Leggings Board

United Airlines prevented two young girls from boarding a flight on Sunday because they were wearing leggings, and you can bet that people are mad as hell.

This story began blowing up after Shannon Watts, a passenger on the Denver to Minneapolis flight, began tweeting at United Airlines about the incident.

While it definitely exposes some double standards re: appropriate clothing for women, this story would never have escalated quite so much if it wasn’t for United’s boneheaded reply.

It responded to the tweets by stating that it reserves the right “to refuse transport for passengers who are barefoot or not properly clothed” and tweeting a link to its Contract of Carrier Document, which doesn’t go into any further detail.

Watts responded that one of the girls was “a 10-year-old in grey leggings. She looked normal and appropriate. Apparently @united is policing the clothing of women and girls.”

Sensing a burgeoning PR crisis, United looked into the situation a little further, and determined that these girls were pass riders, a.k.a. United employees (or their fams) with flight privileges (they get ’em for cheap, provided there’s seats).

Apparently, pass riders are required to dress to a higher standard than paying customers, but United didn’t release its internal dress code.

It should be noted that the girls’ dad was allowed on the flight in shorts.

This situation, while not great, would never have escalated into the story it has if United Airline’s responses weren’t so incredibly dumb.

We’ve even reached the point where celebrities are weighing in.

Leggings have become a focal point in recent years in the conversation around the policing of women’s bodies, and the sexualisation of young girls (“don’t wear leggings to school, it’ll distract the boys” kind of stuff).

People are now sharing their stories of being shamed for an item clothing.

Photo: United Airlines / Facebook.