Guy’s Genius ‘Pillow Hoodie’ Blows Up Kickstarter, Smashes Target By $40K

If you’ve ever had the distinct pleasure of spending copious amounts of time on public transport in foreign cities, you’ll probably shit your already smelly pants upon discovering this new invention.

A god-like creature in the US has conceived a travel essential we’re kicking ourselves for not thinking of first: A HOODIE… WITH A BUILT-IN INFLATABLE PILLOW.
The sweatshirt, aptly named Hypnos, is blowing up on Kickstarter, where it’s already copped almost $70,851 in pledges (the original target was $30,000 by January 11th, lel). 
The hoodie looks inconspicuous enough at first but, when you blow on a nozzle in the neck of the hoodie, it turns into an ergonomic dream.
Co-founder, Josh Woodle, had the idea while on the way to the airport, after trying to find a way to combine the comfy staple with the ubiquitous “neck pillow as travel accessory”.
He also said their “focus was to offer a beautiful hoodie that could transition from a day on the plane straight to the bar at night.”
Dude obviously doesn’t know how hard it is to get past bouncers these days, but we appreciate the sentiment. 
Now shut up and take our fackin’ money.
Photo: Kickstarter.