Fork Out On These Summer Road Trip Items That’ll Actually Prove Their Worth

We’ve teamed up with Timberland Australia who know a thing or seven about going the distance. Their range is perf for roadtrips this summer, especially if you’re hitting up a festival at the end of it. Why? ‘Cause it’s durable AF, friends, and we don’t want no one getting stuck in the mud. Check how y’can style ’em with your existing wardrobe HERE and keep updated on Facey HERE.

How often in life do we buy something, only to wind up wearing or using it just once?

Unless it’s experience-based (food, festival tix etc) it tends to make us feel pretty shit about ourselves. You know what I’m talking about – that overpriced tee you wore once, the phone you smashed after its first real outing on the town, the NutriBullet you never took out of its packaging. We all want bang for our buck, yet keep choosing things that provide us with anything but. 

While a fuck-off good road trip for sure fits into the experience bracket, we don’t see why the things you buy for it can’t go the distance also. Yep, you’ll chew up the petrol, guzzle the water and smash the snacks only to never see them again, but as for everything else, you can buy things that’ll help you out in life time and again. 

Here’s what will go the whole nine yards this summer:


We know, we know – you’ve got maps on your phone, but you need backup for when reception gets lost and Siri’s just being an all-round toad of a bot. Navmans are good but have also been known to mess up, so go old school and get a hardcopy map too. Who knows, you might gain some of your former navigating skills back in the process, which is an investment of intelligence, friends.


You might think that you’re not gunna go through that many tolls in one roadtrip / this summer in general. But just filling out one of those toll notices and making the payment is, imo, enough to just bite the bullet and get one. Don’t make the mistake of forgetting how lazy you are. Make your life easier, yeah?


Walkie talkies might be a childhood pastime, but they’re actually really bloody practical on the road. We know y’all think your phones are this magical object that can get you out of any situation, however, reception isn’t always on your side. If you’re on an open road with more than one car on your trip, walkie talkies are an A+ way to stay in contact regardless of how many bars you’ve got.

They’re also fun, you guys – like, really fun. Going camping? Get your mate to take it with them when they go find a nice leak spot second bush to the right, and scare them while they’re going to town. If that’s not enjoyment than slap my wrist and call me Larry.


Here’s the thing – road trips are pretty loose on schedules. You drop off in at random places on the way whether you planned to or not. You might decide to check out a national park and take a hike. You might get bogged. You might run outta fuel and have to trek to the nearest petrol station.

You’ll need sturdy footwear – we’d recommend waterproof, durable but non-daggy shoes like Timberland 6″ Boots (they’ll come in handy for camping and festival season too – check how sah-weet they look HERE) as well as some thongs for da beach-each. Sunnies too. Ain’t nobody got time for sun in the eyes when they’re taking in ‘Straya’s scenic route. 

A good backpack is also on the menu. You’ll be throwing stuff around in that car like a madman so sort that out. As if you won’t use a backpack again. God knows I should’ve bought one, like, a million years ago. 

AN ESKY. THE MOST USEFUL OF THE THINGS. Good for the food. Good for the booze. Good for the bums that need something to sit on. Fork out for the right one and use it all summer long and then some.

Take an hour out of your precious time to fully commit to a musical combo so ah-maze it’ll bring some moisture to your panties those summer days. It’ll also make everyone feel better when you’ve run out of things to talk about, or, better yet, are having some kinda of riff-raff.

Plus, for people who don’t make playlists every other day, it’ll stand the test of time. Like George Clooney, music only gets better with age. I mean, who’s not still listening to Schoolies ’08 on repeat? Nope? Just me? Okkkkkk….. It also costs, um, nothing.


The last thing you want is to break down in the middle of bum-fuck nowhere and have to fork out a hefty bill for help. Roadside assistance with the likes of NRMA will sort you out for this road trip, and give you peace of mind every time you get in that four-wheeled thing after the fact.

Alternatively / additionally, make sure you get yourself a roadside emergency kit with jumper cables, a tyre jack, gloves, head lamps and more. Surely someone in your car will know how to use ’em, and if not, there’s always YouTube tutorials.

Now get in loser, we’re goin’ roadtrippin’.

Photo: Stringer / Getty Images.