WATCH: Unsettling AusGov PSA Reminds Us Bird Feeding Is A Suicide Mission

The ACT Government have issued a ~ totally friends, totally not sinisterreminder to anyone still feeding the vultures birds in our nation’s capital to stahhhhhhhhhp it.
No bread, no french fries. Nothing. Otherwise, we run the risk of this:

The 46-second campaign video, produced in the style of one Alfred Hitchcock, puts the fear of birds into our little hearts.
There’s even included footage of crazy-eyed seagulls sneaking up on an infant. TBH, it’s twisted.
The clip features a ton of black and white supercuts and various birdlife (notable omissions of the ibis, cockatoo and magpie), sound effects so chilling they’re straight out of the freezer, with narrations by Territory and Services‘ official Malcolm Gale.
“Human food, like bread, is bad for birds’ digestive systems. They begin to see humans as a food source, which can increase their numbers in urban settings, and the chance of disease spreading climbs.”
So, one last time: DON’T. FEED. THE. BIRDS.
Just don’t, for the love of personal safety Canberra.

Watch the distressing clip in full and just *try* to sleep tonight.

Please, don’t feed the birds

Just remember – what goes in must come out…

Posted by ACT Government on Friday, October 30, 2015

Via Facebook.