WATCH: Christopher Pyne Gets Goddamn Cranky At Tones’ Latest Onslaught

Former Prime Minister and serving Prime Shit-Stirrer Tony Abbott’s recent broadside against the actual PM Malcolm Turnbull has some prominent Liberal Party figures absolutely ropeable – and none seem as pissed as Minister for Defence Industry Christopher Pyne. 
After Abbott called the current Coalition Labor light” and issued a so-called five-point plan for the Coalition to appeal to its right-wing base – in open defiance Turnbull’s autonomy as the party’s leader – Pyne told The Project “we aren’t going back to him under any circumstances, and he doesn’t have a coterie of supporters around him at all.

“He has more supporters outside the party room, in the media, than in the party room.”



A cheeky plug from panellist Meshel Laurie turned into another diss of the former PM; after Laurie recommended her new book on shithouse breakups, Pyne said “well, I can think of some people who need it, but it certainly isn’t me.”
No sniping, no undermining, right? Catch the segment below:

Source and photo: The Project / Channel Ten / Facebook.