Platypus Is Flogging Same-Day Delivery For Yr Immediate Kicks & Hat Needs

Look, there are few words in the English language as instantly gratifying as ‘same-day delivery’. Whether you’re fanging for a box of doughnuts or need a buncha new threads to keep you looking fresh, we want things instantly or not at all. In fact, we demand it.

And that includes the shoes on my feet, because as of today Platypus are slinging same-day delivery for everyone in metro areas around the country – yes, even if you’re not a black coffee-guzzling Melbournite or an avocado-obsessed Sydneysider.

They’ve made a call to say that they’ll get you your gear by any means necessary and mates, they bloody well mean it. Whether it takes a sneaky Uber, skateboarding through town or even slinging a leg over the ol’ fixies, you’re getting your stuff on the same day no matter what.

And it’s not just the kicks – you can nab a hat or some accessories and have them at your door ready for you to head out for the evening, like the snappy-dressed socialite that you are.

You might even cop a visit from a courier sporting a jaunty GoPro hat, filming the process from pick-up all the way through to delivery. So yeah, your online purchases could make you just a lil’ bit famous. No biggie.

Plus if you order something in launch week you could score yourself a cheeky gift with your purchase – it’s totally randomised and the prizes are pretty awesome, including cool shiz like Bang & Olufsen BeoPlay P2 portable speakers. Because why not.

Get on it, folks.

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