NYPD Investigating Fkd Hate Crime After Muslim Tourist Set On Fire On 9/11

New York police have released CCTV image of a man they are searching for after a Scottish Muslim woman wearing a hijab was set on fire on Fifth Avenue. The attack took place just hours before the city’s major 9/11 memorial service.

Nemariq Alhinai, 35, a dentist from Hamilton near Glasgow, was shopping on Fifth Avenue when the attack occurred. She reported feeling a warm sensation on her left arm, and when she looked down her blouse was on fire and the suspect was standing beside with a lighter.
Luckily, she suffered no injuries. A “quarter-sized hole” was left in her blouse.
The NYPD’s Hate Crime Task Force is investigating the attack, and have released CCTV footage of the man they believe is responsible walking eastbound on East 54th Street at approximately 9pm on Saturday. 
Ibrahim Hooper, a spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, demanded a full and thorough investigation into the attack. “I would obviously be concerned because it’s symptomatic of the overall rise in Islamophobic sentiment in our society.”

Source: Daily Mirror.
Photo: Supplied.