NT Gov Nails It With History-Making Announcement Of Majority Female Cabinet

In Northern Territory news, we’d like to take a quick break from reporting on all the many crocodile shenanigans, to let you know something terrific has just happened in the top end.
For the first time in its history, the NT has appointed a female-majority cabinet, with five of the top eight ministerial positions going to women.
It’s especially impressive when you consider that as recently as 1987, there wasn’t a single woman elected to the Northern Territory government.
Record-high NT female parliamentary representation has come about after Labor’s recent landslide victory. Newly elected Chief Minister Michael Gunner has described the female majority cabinet as a “watershed” moment, adding that the cabinet “mirrors the diversity, aspirations and life experience of Territorians.
Most notably, the cabinet includes Treasurer and Deputy Chief Nicole Manison, and Attorney-General Natasha Fyles.
Files, not satisfied with just, y’know, making history, seems to have also competed in three charity fitness events this week.
Source: ABC.
Photo: Facebook.