IRL Regina George Behind Iconic Trump Meme Isn’t Done W/ Burn Book Entries

ICYMI, a Donald Trump‘s Burn Book entry went viral last week after celebrity gossip kween Perez Hilton posted a photo of a copy tacked to a pole.

It was bloody inspired. And kinda weird that no one had done it yet, tbh.

The person behind it all, 23-year-old Caroline Gallegos, is now busily creating extra pages of the Burn Book before tomorrow’s (!!!!!) election.

“[I was inspired by] my disdain for Donald Trump and an intense urge to express it,” she told PEDESTRIAN.TV.

“[He] just pissed me off so bad and I’m not a hateful person,”
she told local media The Tab. “During the second presidential election I just wanted to flip my flatscreen out the window.” 
The Seattle, Washington resident and her friends plastered 500 of these across the city on Halloween night.

Like we said, it went nuts. She’s not turning her sights to Melania Trump and Mike Pence, as well as a couple new entries for Trump and his hair, which legend has it is the source of all his evil.

Melania Trump:

Mike Pence:


She even recreated the iconic image of Regina George tossing pages of the Burn Book with wild abandon.

Like we’ve definitely said before, this election will go down in history for (among literally thousands of other things) the memes.