Bondi Hipsters Recreate Justin Bieber’s Calvin Klein Campaign

TMZ have today obtained the original, unedited photos from Justin Bieber’s Calvin Klein campaign photoshoot. In addition to accentuating Bieber’s musculature beyond any conceivable realm, as is typical of post-production retouching – unfortunately – the photos also reveal that a not inconsiderable amount of pubic hair was added to Bieber’s lower abdomen. 
Not a girl, not yet a woman.
Suffice to say, very little post-production or follicular enhancement appears to have gone into the Bondi Hipsters’ and Pat Stevenson’s homage to Bieb’s #MyCalvins campaign, the hirsute glory of which you can behold in entirety above. 

We know what you’re probably thinking; “what would a cherub-voiced teenaged billionaire baldy know of suffering and sorrow?”… But look at him! Juhstin Biehber is sporting a 100% genuine blank-as-fuck thousand-yard stare, and he doesn’t even have hair on his chest yet! 

Either way, kudos to young Biebs. He clearly gives zero shits, and we think that this is case of groundbreaking, heroic mohdelling. That little baldy is gonna do ‘aight in the fahshion industreh. However… We’ve taken the time to re-shoot his campaign and think that with a little hair on our chests, we’ve brought something edgier and slightly more realistic to the table.
Kudos everyone, really.