Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here, ‘Cause These Faceswaps Are 100% Crook

Feeling all over the shop ain’t great. What makes it worse, however, is when you catch your not-so-pieced together reflection in the mirror. 

Thankfully (or not so thankfully depending on which end of the spectrum you on) a quick Snap filter can instantly make us pass as ‘not bad’ to the masses. You know, the ones who conditionally believe that adult acne ain’t no thang and that flower crowns didn’t pass their use-by date five years ago? Them.

But that all goes out the door when you swipe through to the last filter – the ol’ face swap – and realise our reflections aren’t that putrid after all, especially compared to a mashup of yourself and your neighbour’s dog. Or their creepy ex. Or their garden gnome. Crap gets wild pretty quickly in this game.

Behold: the most crook face swaps that will make you feel #blessed for what yo’ mumma gave you.

Photo: imgur.

U-G-L-Y you ain’t got no alibi you PUGLY.

Photo: Reddit.

Doll, you’ve got the cabbage patch look down pat, but I’m not sure if it’s working for you?

Photo: Youtube.

TIT ON FACE TIT ON FACE. Self-inflicted booby trap right there.

Photo: imgur.

Dog’s better off, former-frullet cutie not so much.

Photo: imgur. 

Evil. Pure evil.

Photo: imgur.

That’ll do, pig. That’ll do.

Photo: imgur.

You’re like a birddddddddd, we wanna fly awayyyyyyyy. 

Photo: Reddit.

Do you think he did it on porpoise? Sorry, we’re not OK rn.

Photo: Reddit.

You don’t have a friend in me.

Photo: Reddit.

That face you pull when you gotta take a pic with your grandpa before going to your formal. 

Photo: unknown.

DENTAL PLAN. Lisa needs braces.


Photo: imgur.