Sergio Garcia Makes ‘Fried Chicken’ Gaffe To Tiger Woods, Feud Continues

Spanish pro golfer Sergio Garcia is repentant for a comment he made to Tiger Woods concerning fried chicken, a menu item and racial epithet deemed offensive to black people which, inexplicably, people can’t seem to stop referencing.

Garcia and Woods share a mutual distaste for one another, something a meddling source hooked into when asking Garcia if he’d like to have Woods over for dinner. He responded with “We’ll have him round every night… we will serve fried chicken.”

So the pair’s ongoing feud has been taken up a few notches with this injection of Southern black American racial stereotyping— something that  rarely works in anyone’s favour (publicly).
Savvy as ever, Woods took to Twitter, disclosing he was offended by the remarks:
Title image Richard Heathcote via Getty.