Mario Balotelli Flees England Via Ryanair

Mario Balotelli REALLY doesn’t like getting subbed! With scores tied at 0-0 Batolli was subbed for Sergio Agüero in the 55th minute and stormed off the pitch, past the bench and strait to the sheds. Balotelli was not on hand to watch his team pile on three late goals as he was on his way to Manchester Airport to catch a Ryanair flight to Italy.

Even the most poverty stricken of backpacker gets the sense that they are slumming it when flying Ryanair, so when an intentional striker accustomed to privately charted jets jumps on board, it’s pretty clear they want to get the hell out of dodge.

City fans’ and staffs patience may be running out with the 22-year-old as his attitude and off the field antics are becoming less of a joke and more of a hindrance. His performances on the pitch have hardly been world class either and this latest sulk could land him in trouble with Roberto Mancini.

via FootballFanCast

Ice cold – Balotelli avoided all eye contact as he disappeared down the tunel

Balotelli has met up with his national teammates after being recalled to the Italian squad to play Armenia and Denmark in World Cup 2014 qualifiers. It’s the first time Balotelli has been back in the fold since his impressive Euro 2012 performances.

Pictures by Andrew Yates at Getty Images