The City Of Boston Is Going Apeshit RN Over The Red Sox World Series Win

Boston winning anything sports-related is cause for celebration for the deeply weird residents of Boston itself and the even weirder people outside the city who took the coward’s route by hitching their wagon to a perennially successful sporting franchise.

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The Red Sox, at one point the long-suffering black sheep of Boston, won the 2018 Major League Baseball World Series title earlier today, rolling the Los Angeles Dodgers 4 games to 1, and securing their fourth title in the past fourteen years in the process.

Despite this normalisation of victory, in-line with the other major Boston sporting franchises’ piss-boring habit of monotonous triumph, people in Boston are nonetheless marking the occasion by going out of their god-given minds, in what’s nowadays a bi-annual tradition for the city.

The Red Sox closed out the World Series on foreign soil, securing the series at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles, leaving fans back home in Boston to flock to bars and go batshit insane after the final out was secured.

We cannot overstate this either. They lost they got dang minds.

Shout out to this one absolute weapon seated bar-side at a pub being filmed for the game’s broadcast, who maximised his TV seconds with ruthless efficiency.

The celebrations aren’t being confined to the inside of licensed establishments either. Giant, heaving crowds are gathering to celebrate the World Series win in inner-Boston streets, with some converging on the historic Fenway Park and its surrounds…

…and others deciding that literally any street at all is good enough.

And, naturally, it wouldn’t be a Red Sox championship win without hoards of people singing the one part of Sweet Caroline that they know repeatedly, loudly, and in sort-of unison.

Ahh well. Good for Boston and no one else.