The #ProudBoys Hashtag Has Been Hijacked By Gay Pride In A Big Fuck You To White Supremacy

Gay men around the globe have flooded the #ProudBoys hashtag on Twitter, reclaiming the word from white supremacist group Proud Boys.

Established by in 2016 by prominent writer Gavin McInness, the Proud Boys are a self-described “western chauvinist” men’s club. After Donald Trump ‘accidentally’ endorsed the group during the recent Presidential debate, causing the Proud Boys to enter the spotlight once again, queer men began to reclaim the hashtag from the controversial group.

Shortly after the hashtag started circulating on Twitter, the LGBTIQ+ community used the hashtag to try and displace posts by neo-nazi and white supremacist groups.

In a post made by US actor and author George Takei, he encouraged gay men to hijack the hashtag #ProudBoys.

“What if gay guys took pictures of themselves making out with each other or doing very gay things, then tagged themselves with #ProudBoys,” he wrote on Twitter.

“I bet it would mess them up real bad.”

Matt Dechaine, one of the men who flooded the hashtag with photos of himself and his husband, saw it as a positive change.

“Seeing the hashtag was so uplifting,” Dechaine told CNN.

“It feels like the movement for positive change for all is gathering momentum all the time and I’m glad to be a small part of it. By coming together rooted in respect and love for each other, the world can be so much better!”

However, the current leader of Proud Boys, Enrique Tarrio, said he is not phased by the use of the hashtag.

“This isn’t something that’s offensive to us. It’s not an insult. We aren’t homophobic. We don’t care who people sleep with,” he said.

“People think it’s going to bother us. It doesn’t.”

During the Presidential debate when asked whether he would condemn white supremacy, Trump said: “Proud Boys – stand back and stand by. But I’ll tell you what. I’ll tell you what. Somebody’s got to do something about antifa and the left because this is not a rightwing problem.”

The Proud Boys interpreted this statement as a call to arms, and an excuse to just keep doing what they’re doing. Since then, other right-wing groups have been energised by Trump’s statement.

Hopefully the reclaiming of the hashtag will help squash some of the hate spread by these groups.