A 16-Year-Old Queensland TikToker Allegedly Ran Over An Emu & Shared The Footage For Clout

Animal protection authorities are looking into a TikTok where a dude ran over an emu with his car after heaps of people were understandably horrified by the footage.

According to 7 News, the driver was supposedly a 16-year-old boy from a “prominent family in the agriculture sector” who can’t be named for legal reasons. The incident is believed to have occurred near Roma in Queensland.

“That emu was not harmed. It’s a pet. It likes to be run over,” read the video’s caption on TikTok, which made absolutely zero sense.

Where do you start with that one? Calling a wild animal a pet or claiming it likes to be run over?

A spokesperson for the RSPCA Queensland told 7 News that the footage is “hugely disappointing”.

“The RSPCA is dealing with a massive workload when it comes to native wildlife,” they said.

“To see someone deliberately attempting to hurt native wildlife is just abhorrent.

“There’s no way anyone should even consider doing anything like this. There’s absolutely no reason for it.”

The RSPCA (which doesn’t have an officer in Roma) passed on the info it had to police, but other authorities concede there’s a chance nothing will happen.

“Department of Environment and Science wildlife officers have viewed the video, however the difficulty is in identifying the vehicle or the person who has allegedly committed the offence and, in this case, confirming that the emu was in fact, deliberately struck,” a spokesperson for the Queensland Department of Environment and Science told News.com.au.

This isn’t the first time some dickhead has run over an emu (or even multiple) emus for fun, filmed themselves in the act and then posted the evidence online.

In 2018, a 20-year-old did pretty much the same thing and was ultimately sentenced to 42 days in jail for animal cruelty and destruction of native wildlife.

It’s not just emus, either. There have sadly been way too many incidents of people chasing down wombats, kangaroos and other animals in their cars for fun.

What a sad, pathetic way to try and get TikTok famous.