You Can Help Contribute To An Australian Edition Of Cards Against Humanity

Cards Against Humanity is an absolute riot. The Kickstarter-funded party game is devilishly simple whilst producing gut-bustingly hilarious results. For those who haven’t played it, the concept is very straightforward: A black card with a ridiculous question or missing phrase is drawn, and everyone takes a bunch of white cards with outrageous – and often hysterically rotten – answers, and thus everyone vies to create the most fucked up or funny full phrase possible.

Previously, the game has been a wee bit tricky to get in Australia. Though you can actually download the entire thing for free and print it up yourself, the proper boxed game has not been “officially” available in Australia, though some sellers have been importing it in batches. There are some international editions, but by and large what you’ve been able to get out here has been the original US version, which contains some cards with references that local eyes might not recognise.
But now the creators are looking to expand out into the ole’ Antipodes, and they need your help. In order to create a version of the game fit for Australian audiences, they’ve put an open call out for card suggestions that are in tune with Australian history, pop culture, and general overall sense of taking the piss.
You can put forward your suggestions, for both white and black cards, via this open Google document form. On offer is the potential chance to have your suggestion printed and included in the final Aussie edition, as well as the chance to be selected to either Beta test the game, or to win a full, complete set once the local edition is finalised.
Check out the game in all its magnificent, glorious action below.