While Australia’s Lockouts Grow, Japan Just Eased Theirs

Japan have decided to ease up on their draconian lockout laws. 
The laws, which forced all nightclubs to close at midnight, are now dunzo.
So now, nightclubs are permitted to stay open until whenever they damn well please, and citizens of Japan are free to party at any time of the night or day. Whenever works for them. Because they’re adults. Composer Ryuichi Sakamoto, a lobbyist, launched the campaign to revise the 1948 law that lumped dance clubs in to the same category as sex parlours.
This is Japan right now:
And this is every state of Australia that is suffering from lock out laws, because we’re all being punished for the actions of a very few:
According to the Japan Times, the laws about nightclub hours have ‘been revised more than 30 times to keep up with changing mores.’ You hear that Barry O’Farrell? ‘Changing mores’.
Four for you Japan, you go Japan. All is well in Japan. Japan is a place of trust, happiness and freedom. Hear us Barry? FREEDOM!

[skols beer]
Image: Yoshikazu Tsuno via Getty Images