What You Need To Be Doing RN To Help You Land Your Dream Gig Quicker

PEDESTRIAN.TV has teamed up with Tafe Queensland to get y’all chasing dem dreams, because we don’t reckon you should wait to make great happen, no matter how big or small. Together, we’re offering one of y’all a paid, week-long, all-inclusive internship at P.TV HQ which you can learn more about below.

Patience is a beautiful thing. But plenty of us don’t have it and it’s a real toughie to learn. 

When it comes to careers and success, we’re seeing more and more people eager to smash out start-ups or get a high-paying salary ASAP. We’re a bloody hungry bunch that know what we want and when we want it: now.

If slugging it out in a three-five university course ain’t your jam, here are some faster ways for y’all to reach your job goals a lil’ quicker.


Look, we know that this one gets drilled into you all the time but I’m a big advocate of it, so drill I shall. That being said, the whole “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know” spiel isn’t 100% legit. You’ve got to have skills to land any gig, but that combined with grabbing opportunities by the balls is definitely complementary.

My advice? Always talk to a new social encounter about what they do for work. It’s quite a natural conversation starter anyway, and just by telling them how bloody brilliant you think what they do is, or that you’d one day like to do the same, you’re on their radar.


Next time their boss asks if anyone has an internal suggestion for a new team member? Oh, that’s right, that random person they met at lunch that time: you. Be sure to follow through like a poo to a fart, and connect with their platforms like LinkedIn or FB. That way you’re easily accessible when needed.


Upskilling and polishing your craft can only ever work in your favour. There are so many online tutorials and courses that you can learn in your spare time, and research to be done – such as a term glossary for your chosen field – that will make you stand out from your plebian competition.

Some goodies to learn are PhotoshopExcel and InDesign (which there will probably be a need for at most gigs you want), that with the right focus and dedication you can learn from the comfort of your own home. The internet is a beautiful thing that can enable you to shine like a polished turd.


There’s nothing like not getting paid for work to determine whether or not you’re on the right career path. If it doesn’t bother you too much because you’re enjoying yourself, then you’re on the right track, which is a lot more than other people who spend years, even decades, trying to figure out what they want to do can say.

Besides, a solid internship or volunteer work speaks volumes on the ol’ CV (well hello potential employee who has proved their commitment abilities) and gives you connections that money can’t buy. Hate it? Jump ship, because you’re probs going to hate it whether you’re getting moolah for it or not. At least you’re closer to figuring out what you want via elimination process.

If you reckon media’s your cup of tea, we’ve actually got an all-inclusive, week-long internship here at P.TV up for grabs (and you’ll get paid for this one):



You need to want to be found, so make sure there is enough of your fine self out there. Pimp your LinkedIn, privatise your Facebook, cull the selfie count from your Insta – heck while you’re at it create an online portfolio of what you can offer to your dream industry.

You want people to google you and find YOU, not a girl with the same name as you who was on Ellen for losing 25 pounds. Don’t impede your chances at success by tarnishing your ~personal brand~ or by not being able to be discovered at all.

Now go forth and get ’em you good things.

Photo: Gossip Girl.