Whad’Ya Know, The Guy Who Abused Nova Peris Finally Apologised To Her

Chris Nelson, the 64-year-old chiropractor who was charged over racist comments he made on Facebook, has made an official apology to Indigenous former senator Nova Peris.

Nelson initially tried to claim that his Facebook was hacked but obviously literally everyone alive knew that was a bullshit excuse, including the cops.
Peris posted a photo of the apology to her Facebook today, with a caption saying that she accepted the apology:
“I accept his apology and consider it to be a genuine and remorseful one. I am pleased that this has now set some sort of legal precedent. I wish Mr Nelson well and hope that he reconciles with his family.”

In the apology, Nelson accepts responsibility for his actions while also expressing disbelief that he was the one who did them. He also says he hopes that the positive impact of what happened will be that other people will learn from his lesson and not be racist gronks (not his words).

Have a read:
The case set a healthy precedent, demonstrating that being abusive online has actual real world consequences – because hey, it turns out Facebook is real life too.
Source: Facebook.
Photo: Getty Images / Mark Metcalfe.