WATCH: Presidents Trump And Macron Share Excruciating Handshake

At the NATO conference in Brussels today, US President Donald Trump met newly elected French President Emmanuel Macron – and they shared TWO! uncomfortable handshakes.
It was the first meeting between the two leaders, a cringeworthy six seconds neither is likely to forget soon.
Commentators are saying Macron’s come out on top – while both grimaced, it was Trump who was the first to let go, the moderate Frenchman holding fast in what we’re calling a brusque power play. Especially considering Trump wouldn’t even shake German chancellor Angela Merkel‘s hand when she visited the United States in March. 
As always, it is Twitter to whom we turn for spicy hot takes:

But that was just the first one! They went at it again, Trump seeming to extend his hand to an approaching Macron, who instead of accepting went over to Merkel to kiss her on the cheek. Only after shaking another few outstretched hands does Macron approach Trump, who retaliates by trying to wrench his arm out of its socket.  

Boys, play nice. Maybe one day you could even end up like this:

Source: The Guardian
Photo: Andalou Agency / Getty