WATCH: Melbs Woman Recounts Horrific Roo Attack, Issues Warning To Locals

Australia is so chock-a-block full of things ready-made to kill humans that we sometimes forget about the humble kangaroo. Well, we all know they’re capable of some serious damage, but shaping up against our iconic marsupial just doesn’t happen that often. 

Still, Melbourne woman Debbie Urquhart’s story is a timely reminder of exactly how dangerous roos can be. 

Over the weekend, Urquhart was attacked by an errant roo in Templestowe while out for a jog. She sustained some pretty serious gashes during the incident which required emergency surgery, and images of the aftermath propelled her story around the nation. 

Now, Urquhart has spoken to The Project about that seriously horrific ordeal, saying “I’ve never been so terrified in all my life.”

She’s also issued a warning to other residents who use the trail:

“All I wanted to do was to make it aware to the public, that there’s a lot of children who are bike riding along that area… little kids on bikes and stuff, I just want to make people aware that there’s a nasty kangaroo around.”
Catch her retelling of the events below, and remember to keep an eye out for unexpectedly aggressive fauna:

Source and photo: The Project / Twitter.