WATCH: Georgia Love Laid Into Woman’s Day For Their BS ‘Pregnancy’ Story

It’s been a big week for Australian women’s publications talking absolute nonsense.
While Mamamia has been absolutely shellacked for insulting and breaching the confidence of a pretty fucken’ esteemed guest, Woman’s Day has now been called out for spouting garbage speculation about Georgia Love’s non-existent pregnancy. 
ICYMI, the mag printed a page of baseless tummy-talk regarding the former Bachelorette, ex-journo and all-around media personality, featuring the words “Georgia’s baby bombshell.”

Love hit back at the claims on her Instagram. Then, last night, she was given a broader platform to slam dunk on the publication: she appeared on The Project to explain that, uh, any hypothetical ‘bump’ in those photos was caused by nothin’ more than zucchini and corn fritters.

“I had smashed avo as well. I obviously went overboard,” Love said. To this, we say: do not let anyone deny you the small pleasure of smashed avocado, Georgia.

It wasn’t all brunch talk, though. Love went on to seriously question the motive behind the piece, saying “I’m sick of them kind of feeling that they can blatantly make stuff up. 

“It’s one thing to say ‘sources claim’ something, but this story didn’t even have that. It’s just, blatantly… They had some photos of me with my hand near my stomach, and they made up a story.”
Have a squiz below:

Source and photo: The Project / Facebook.