Watch Cara Delevingne Grind Against A Car, Flash Onlookers, Give Zero Fucks

Cara Delevingne does whatever the fuck she wants, ok you guys?

And if she feels gyrating against the side of an SUV, in broad day light, then she’s bloody well gonna do it. 
The 22-year-old Victoria’s Secret model, currently starring in the John Green adaptation Paper Towns, launched into an impromptu dance routine in a Santa Monica car park this week, hitting peak Cara Delevingne at the exact moment she realised a bunch of randoms were filming her and continued to climb the SUV like a pole.
But the best part of the whole spectacle has to be the hilarious commentary from whoever filmed the whole thing, who COULDN’T BELIEVE WHAT THEY WERE WATCHING ZOMG.
Choice lines include:
“I think she’s on something.”

“She probably didn’t come down off something from last night.”

“I don’t think she’s wearing underwear.”

“Oh my God, I want to be her friend.”

“She’s like all over the place, she probably didn’t sleep.”

Via Top Viral Videos