WATCH: Aussie Dill Hops Out Of Car To Take Selfie Vid With Raging Bushfire

Look, there are a few things you probably shouldn’t do while driving through a bushfire zone. You know, it’s probably a pretty damn long list, come to think of it. But at the very, very top, above nearly everything else, is a simple dictum: don’t get out of your car and take a selfie video where you mutter incomprehensibly while the blaze rages around you.

That’s what Kevin Kwok did while cruising along the Princes Highway during a raging bushfire. What follows is a truly great / moronic Insta video of him whipping his phone around 360º while uttering a timeless phrase: “This is not good right now. This is a bit of a situation. Oh my god I can’t breathe, f— bye.”

Watch it:
As you might expect, the fire service are not that keen on Kwok’s little vid. “Use some common sense. If you come across a bush fire, you should be thinking about your safety, not selfies,” said NSW Rural Fire Service Commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons.
You heard the bloke. Just keep driving.
Source: 9 News / Instagram.
Photo: Instagram.