These Are Officially the Worst Passwords You Could be Using

If you happen, rightly, to be worried about the security of your shit, a good first step is to lock it down with a unique password. Your birthday or your partner’s name or something like that probably won’t cut it, and in case you ever need to tell someone in an emergency situation, you should avoid truebelieber92 or anything too incriminating.

Whichever way you choose to go, though, there are some passwords you should definitely not go near. Time Magazine recently reached out to Splash Data to come up with a list of the absolute worst, least secure passwords you could be using, based on a study of data files from last year, containing millions of leaked passwords.
There are a few obvious ones on the list, but also a few surprises. To wit, if your password is a series of sequential numbers from 1 to 6, or the actual word ‘password’, you should probably know better, but in case you thought you were being clever or sneaky with ‘trustno1’, that’s actually a pretty common one too. Here is the list in full:
1. 123456 
2. password 
3. 12345 
4. 12345678 
5. qwerty 
6. 123456789 
7. 1234 
8. baseball 
9. dragon 
10. football 
11. 1234567 
12. monkey 
13. letmein 
14. abc123 
15. 111111 
16. mustang 
17. access 
18. shadow 
19. master 
20. michael 
21. superman 
22. 696969 
23. 123123 
24. batman 
25. trustno1

Lol @ 696969. We’ll wait right here while you change those.
h/t Uproxx