The Queen’s Favourite Corgis Are Becoming An Endangered Breed

The breed favoured by The Queen of England and beloved by The Internet, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi, is set to be placed on the vulnerable native breeds list by January.

The doges are known for their hairy little butts, pointy ears, chest tufts, stumpy little legs and being krazy kewt have been beloved by the royal family since the 1903s. wow. much heritage. very tradition. And they’ll always be royals (royals).

Some reports place the blame for the corgi decline squarely on the Labour government (THANKS, OBAMA!), saying that the law introduced in 2007 to stop ‘tail-docking’ is the reason breeders are no longer psyched on Welshies. Surely anyone who truly loves those adorable little bastards doesn’t need to cut off one of their tiny adorable appendages to want to breed them, though… Right, guys? 

The Queen could not be reached for comment.

Instead, a few key Corgi delegates had this to say:

*gives up*

‘Song of My People’

Survival of the Fittest.

LIVE DAMMIT! re: Pembroke Welsh Corgis


via abc
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