The Origin Story Behind The Loosest Photo-Set From Laneway Sydney

 when a heroooo comes aloooonggggg 

Excellent photographer Pat Stevenson was scoping out the crowds at Laneway Festival in Sydney, searching for some people to immortalise forever with his mighty lens. 
But we’re guessing he didn’t expect this: at Violent Soho, a girl crowd-surfing in a floral mini-dress, after getting chucked in the air unbelievably high, looking like she’s literally never had a happier moment in her entire life. 
Hair flowing against the gravitational pull, dress riding high, legs splayed and Converse sneakers a-kickin’ people straight to the face. Iconic.
See below:
Pat told us this:
“Dudes would take turns getting on all fours and letting other punters use their backs as a spring board to jump into the mosh to start crowd surfing. There was also classic circle pits […] the angle of the hill meant there was a lot of falling over and crushing, but from what I saw there was a real vibe of picking up someone if they went down. It was chaotic, but managed chaos.

Then I saw this chick who just jumped out of no where and started crowd surfing, cause she was a bit lighter than the dudes she got tossed in the air pretty high. I managed to snap this shot of her coming back to earth, it’s like she’s spawned out of nowhere in a real-life video game. 

She didn’t appear hurt but was actually going harder than any of the lads!”
We’ve also created it in moving form for you:
Cheers to Pat Stevenson for taking the photos & alerting us to the presence of the hero we needed, but we do not deserve. 
And to crowd-surfing girl: you are a damn legend babe. You do you, we love it.
Photos: Pat Stevenson