Teen Violently Assaulted on First Night of Schoolies

As we reported earlier, the first evening of the drunken rite of passage and orgy of regrettable social media posts that is schoolies week at the Gold Coast was marked by an entirely expected round of arrests for drugs and public nuisance. However, various sources are also saying that a young woman was violently assaulted overnight.
Seven News report that, in the early hours of this morning, a teenage girl was attacked by “a group of female revelers” near the waterfront at Surfers Paradise. Footage reportedly shows the woman being punched in the face repeatedly, “before having her head slammed into a steel fence.” Reportedly, a man who stepped in to try and help was also attacked.
There haven’t been any further updates, but we hope she pulled up okay.
In addition to the arrest of 19 schoolies overnight, police picked up 35 toolies – aka older people who should probably damn well know better – on an array of charges, mainly public nuisance.
Elsewhere, News Limited report that a pair of 17-year-old men were arrested at South Australian schoolies celebrations with 100 ecstasy tablets, and both have been bailed to appear in court again in January.

Photo: Sergio Dionisio via Getty Images