SYD SAYS YES: 30,000 People Turn Out For Australia’s Biggest Ever SSM Rally

We’re getting down to the pointy end of the marriage equality “debate”, which means more and more people are joining forces to show their support for equal rights for all. With the much-maligned (and rightly so) postal vote just around the corner, we’re all keen to do our bit to make sure our country overwhelmingly votes ‘YES’ on same-sex marriage – including getting together for the biggest marriage equality rally in Australian history.

More than 30,000 people showed up at Sydney‘s Town Hall today to stand together for love, equality and the inalienable right of all people to chuck big ol’ weddings.

Today’s rally was a beautiful thing to behold, with a crowd so packed that people literally couldn’t fit into Town Hall Square. Bill Shorten, Tanya Plibersek, Sally McManus and a whole host of other pollies and personalities were in attendance, along with some top-notch signs and a beaming rainbow of love and determination (and glitter).

Check it out:

Brisbane also hosted a massive turnout, with more than 10,000 people lining the streets with rainbows, good signs, a brass band (!) and great doggos:

We can do this, Australia. If we can get forty thousand people to turn up to a march on a Sunday arvo, we can get the majority of the country to shove a ‘YES’ vote in their letterbox when the postal survey rolls around.

Let’s get it done.