The ‘Yes’ Campaign’s New Marriage Equality Ad Is A Corker Of A Call-To-Action

You may have heard that despite serious issues with just how necessary it actually is (hint: not at all), the High Court has decided that the marriage equality postal survey will go ahead from this September 12.

Obviously, we’re all thrilled about this tedious and offensive bit of bureaucratic fuckwittery that won’t even necessarily affect the final result of the seemingly-endless debate about whether gay people deserve to have their love recognised by their country, but will definitely contribute to the marginalisation and bullying of LGBTQIA youth. THRILLED.

At least Australian Marriage Equality, the folks behind the ‘YES’ campaign and that touching #RingYourRellos ad, are putting a brave face on this shitful outcome, calling us all to action with another beaut spot.

Featuring a cross-section of Australians including tradies, young rugby players, grandparents, pastors, and Ian bloody Thorpe, the ad is a demonstration of just how universal this vote really is.

We’re all voting ‘YES’ because we care about equality, a fair go, the lives and health of our LGBTQIA friends and family, and doing the right thing.

That’s something every Australian should be able to get behind.

Australian Marriage Equality have made the ad available via Dropbox to anyone who wants to download it and share it on their own channels. Let’s get the word out there to every fence-sitting cousin, stuck-in-their-ways old school friend, and country dad who reckons he doesn’t know any gay people.

Mates: let’s get this done.