Survivor Of Portland Stabbing Asks His Supporters To Donate To Muslim Girls

Micah Fletcher is the only survivor of three men who went to the aid of two girls in Portland on Friday. Both he and the two men who died, Taliesin Namkai-Meche and Ricky Best, were stabbed by Jeremy Joseph Christian after they tried to defend the girls from his Islamophobic abuse. 
All three of the men have been hailed as heroes by the Portland community. But now Fletcher, a poet and music student, has posted a Facebook video asking that the people who are sending him support choose instead to support the two girls who were the target of the attack. 
After thanking the people who have given their support and donations to him and the families of the other victims, he goes on to say:
“But there is a problem. We are forgetting what is in my opinion the most important part of this entire series of events.

“Our children need as much help as humanly possible. The little girl who had the misfortune that day to experience what happened on that MAX [Portland public transport] – her life is never going to be the same.

“We need to remember that this is about them. We need to remember that this is about those little girls.

“When a kid’s hurt like that, we as a society have a moral obligation to do something, and to help.”
He then directs his viewers to a fundraiser set up for the two girls, and asks that they share the video “like wildfire”:
“Because these people need to be reminded that this is about them, that they are the real victims here as well.”
You can watch the full video below. Onya, Micah. The world could do with a few more like you.


Posted by Micah Fletcher on Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Source: Koin 6.
Image: GoFundMe.