Struggle To Talk To Your Liberal-Voting Mate? Help Is Here.

Do you have that mate that you love dearly; you love hanging out with them, and you love going to the pub with them – they are a bloody fantastic person to talk to! Except when politics comes up as topic of discussion, because, unfortunately, they’re a Liberal voter.

You know, they constantly regurgitate things after a few beers that a Liberal MP managed to get our of their robotic mouth; it never makes any sense, yet always shows very little human compassion, morality, or empathy. It’s tough, isn’t it! What do you respond to it with? 
NEVER FEAR – HELP IS HERE! You’ve stayed silent long enough, friend. You’ve nearly combusted from keeping all of the groans of frustration inside, and now you need to respond to your mate with facts and sense.
Use How to Talk to your Liberal Mate! It’s an interactive website that helps you respond when your Liberal friend is spilling their guts about how “there actually isn’t that much evidence about climate change, hey” and other idiotic statements about university reforms, unemployment rates, NBN, the ABC, or a plethora of other things that Liberal government has done a shit job with. Works a treat! 
Disclaimer: Be careful – they may get angry that facts (true pieces of information) have proved their dimwitted policies wrong. Move all schooner glasses away before saying any Liberal-destroying facts. 

Image via HTTTYLM