Sonia Kruger’s Bio For Her ‘Fun Fearless Female’ Nom Is V. Poorly Worded

After the past two weeks of quite racist, quite homophobic word salad falling out Sonia Kruger‘s mouth, anyone with a higher IQ than 20 would have a hard time describing the television host as ‘sensible’. 
Apart from Cosmopolitan, apparently! The women’s mag released their nominees for the ‘Fun Fearless Female’ Awards for 2016, and you guessed it – Sonia‘s right up in there. 
But look, to be fair, there’s a lot of issues at hand here.
First and foremost, the lineup of nominees is predominantly skinny, conventionally attractive, straight, and overwhelmingly white – but then again, we everyone on the list is just there on merit, yeah Sonia?
But the thing that’s freaked us out the most, is that Cosmo apparently find Sonia not only super, like, fun and fearless, they also find her ‘sensible’. SENSIBLE.
It’s a pretty strange decision – we mean, what percentage of Cosmo‘s audience identifies with Sonia’s comments? How many of the ‘Fun Fearless Female’ voters believe that Muslims should be banned from entire countries, or that LGBTQIA youth don’t deserve university scholarship opportunities?
Or perhaps, the brief for the nominees was approved and actioned before ~someone~ decided to go full ‘Trump’ on the entire nation’s asses. 
Many who were left dumbfounded by Kruger‘s horrendously ignorant recent remarks are now confused as to WHY EXACTLY Cosmo chose to include her: 

Just a ~fun, fearless, kooky~ gal just trying to make her voice heard on behalf of those crazy, conservative, actually-extremely-vocal members of the “silent majority”, y’know? 
Institutionalised racism and homophobia are actually the historical norms; it’s the same old safe option. Agreeing with it isn’t fresh or experimental, and saying it out loud isn’t courageous. It’s the same old oppression, just packaged in an expensive dress and a blow-dry. 

Fearless, my butt. 
Source/Photo: Cosmopolitan