Snake On A Qantas Plane

In news of particular interest to anyone who would like the real world to mirror the plot of terrible Samuel L. Jackson movies, a resilient three metre scrub python – the longest snake in all of Snake Island – was seen hitching a ride on the wing of a Qantas flight en route to Port Moresby yesterday, giving passengers something to freak out about as well as their only shot at taking a non-obnoxious Instagram photo of a protruding airplane wing.  

The snake is believed to have boarded through the landing bay before climbing into the aircraft’s trailing ledge flap assembly.

“The people at
the front were oblivious to what was going on,”
said passenger Robert Weber. “But the passengers at the
back were all totally focused on the snake and how it might have got
onto the aircraft.”

“There was no panic. At no time did anyone stop to consider that there might be others on board.”

But there was…

LOL no there wasn’t. What you think this is, a movie?