Smut-Artist & Lib MP Dennis Jensen Is Running For Election Vs His Own Party

Not willing to let something as trivial as being rejected by his party and publicly lambasted for a disgustingly erotic spy-thriller he wrote, Liberal MP Dennis Jensen will be trying to retain his seat in Tangney as an independent.

Jensen is known for his dickhead stance as a climate change denier, his dickhead boycott of Parliament on the day Kevin Rudd made a formal apology for the Stolen Generation and the mortifyingly lurid sex scene he chucked in his Tom Clancy-esque novel ‘The Skywarriors‘, like this: 
“Yasmine didn’t believe in wearing bras; in fact, she really didn’t need to wear them as her breasts were still as firm as they had been in her late teens. Rono massaged her small, soft brown breasts, luxuriating in the silky complexion of the skin. He moved his hand up her inner thigh. “Yes,” she moaned. “Do it now, please, don’t wait any longer.””
By a pretty brutal vote count of 57 to 7, former Liberal Party State Director Ben Morton was chosen as the Liberal candidate for the seat over Jensen, who says he lost support from the Christian faction of the Libs thanks to the aforementioned erotica.
He’s said that, despite running as an independent, he will remain a member of the party and they will have to kick him out if they want to get rid of him. Sounds like a stable man making a calm rational decision.
Source: The ABC.
Photo: Twitter.