PUP Senator Jacqui Lambie Likes Her Men Rich, Hung, And Silent


Palmer United Party senator Jacqui Lambie certainly knows what she wants in a man, this you cannot deny. The Tasmanian senator appeared on Hobart radio station Heart 107.3 this morning and got drawn into a conversation about her lovelife (or apparent lack thereof). Refusing to pull any punches on the topic whatsoever, Lambie got straight to the hard truth on the issue, “They must have heaps of cash and they’ve got to have a package between their legs, let’s be honest.
In a beautiful exchange of the kind of dry, couldn’t-give-a-shit candour that’s sure to bring a tear to the eye of any expat Tasmanian/anyone lucky enough to have visited The Waratah, Lambie insists the three things she really only cares about in any potential suitor are dosh, dong, and dead silence. Which is probably fair enough.

You can listen to the whole thing embedded above. The talk gets decidedly blue around the 2:00 mark in. And by the end, when they’ve managed to drum up a charmingly spoken potential date for her, you’ll just be so bloody proud to be Australian.

The great thing about this is that I’m 100% positive this isn’t even close to the first time the line “I’m hung like a donkey” has landed someone a date on the radio.

Never, ever change, Tasmania. You’re beautiful just the way you are.
Photo: Stefan Postles via Getty Images.