PM John Key Says NZ Would Home The 37 Refugee Babies We’re Deporting

New Zealand Prime Minister John Key has come forward before a meeting with Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull, to say that his country would be happy to accept the 37 refugee babies that are currently destined to be sent to Nauru. 

The PM said that taking the children was ‘potentially possible’ under the agreement made with ex-PM Julia Gillard in 2013, which made it possible for NZ to take any ‘genuine refugees’ from Australia. It also agreed that New Zealand would resettle 150 refugees a year from the Nauru or Manus Island detention centres.
While we’re not quite sure what constitutes a ‘genuine refugee’ nor do we really agree with the term, Key said that the agreement was ‘sensible and compassionate’. 
Ex-PM Tony Abbott had actually dismissed the agreement when he was in power, but Key now saying this solidifies that he intends for it to continue, which is bloody great news. 
If being opposed to condemning people to terrifying lives in off-shore detention camps makes ya a ‘bleeding-heart do-gooder lefty cunts’, so be it hey. How is do-gooder even an insult? Compassion, people; it ain’t rocket science.

Malcolm Turnbull will meet with John Key in Sydney on Friday. It’s now expected that they’ll officially discuss Australia’s disgusting treatment of refugees and attempt to find a humane solution.
Source: The Age
Photo: Twitter.