A Bloke Pulled Off A Jewellery Heist By Standing Still For 2 Hrs Pretending To Be A Mannequin

A bloke in Poland has allegedly done something from Hollywood blockbusters to pull off the heist of the century: pretend to be a mannequin.

A bloke in Poland has allegedly done something we thought only happened in Hollywood blockbusters to pull off the heist of the century: pretend to be a mannequin.

Now, I have many questions, but the first is definitely, “huh?”. The second has gotta be “what????”.

The Warsaw 22-year-old stood motionless for two hours inside the display window of the store until it was time for the staff to pack up and leave.

According to the Sydney Morning Herald, it was at this moment that the man struck, stealing goods from the clothing store as well as jewellery from a jewellery stand within the shopping complex.

Police later arrested the man-who-pretended-to-be-a-mannequin on counts of theft and burglary.

“A 22-year-old with a bag in his hand froze motionless, pretending to be a mannequin in front of a shop window,” said a police statement which honestly reads more like a screenplay for a sketch comedy show.

“In this way, he wanted to avoid being exposed by the cameras.”

But he wasn’t even done yet according to police who claim that the man went and ate at one of the centre’s bars, got dolled up and changed into a ritzy new set of clothes before escaping through a narrowly open gate.

But he was … still not done yet. Ya gotta admire the confidence.

Warsaw police also allege he returned for a second meal at the same bar.

Despite the bizarrely comedic nature of the alleged theft, the suspect could end up spending as many as 10 years behind bars, according to the ABC.

And we don’t mean the ~fun~ type of bars he supposedly ate dinner at twice in one evening.

We mean the prison type of bars where the meals are far less desirable.

He probably should’ve just left it to the Hollywood chase scenes…