Look! It’s The Kanye ‘Famous’ Vid, But With Insta-Famous Dogs Instead

Scientific fact: Take any form of entertainment, former, current, or future, and replace the subject with dogs. Instantly it becomes far more entertaining.

So take, for example, Kanye West‘s music video for ‘Famous,’ which featured a swathe of celebrity wax models in various states of undress all resting sweetly together in the world’s largest bed.
Substitute all those famous people out for Instagram-famous dogs? Infinitely better. Unbelievably better. So good. Give it to me.

Yes, YES, YESSSSS BABBEY. Now that’s the kind of content that’ll get you up in the morning.
Quite oddly, the whole thing was put together by Bono‘s AIDS awareness foundation (RED) as part of their #SHOPATHON campaign to raise funds for the organisation. So read of that what you will.
For those of you playing along at home, the internet famous pooches contained in the vid?
  • Toast Meets World
  • Chloe Kardoggian
  • Muppet
  • Tuna
  • Harlow and Sage
  • Chloe the Mini Frenchie
  • King Bentley the Bulldog
  • Mervin the Chihuahua
  • Ella Bean
Bless ’em all.

Source: (RED)/Facebook.